Alaska's Path to Progress

Considerations for Summer 2021 Programming

Summer presents an opportunity to support students with extended learning time (ELT). Explore this page to learn more.


Alaska's Path to Progress Summer Learning Program Guidance 2021
A guide for families, tribes, educators, and communities seeking to provide an excellent education for every student every day.


Alaska Adventures in Learning
If you were to fill a student backpack full of learning tools for summer, what would be your go-to, must-have items?

2. Engage a cross-functional team
1. Target Priority Group of Students
Alaskas Path to Progress Title

Click on image for Supporting Resources.

Click on image for Supporting Resources.

Click on image for Path-to-Progress Poster.

5. Attend to Needs of Students and Staff
4. Hire Effective Staff to Support Students
3. Prioritize Summer Learning

Click on image for Supporting Resources.

Click on image for Supporting Resources.

Click on image for Supporting Resources.