CTE & Perkins Programs
Find the latest state and federal guidance on CTE and Perkins programs.
Perkins COVID-19 FAQ
Find DEED guidance on topics like Participation Rate Data Collection.
Participation Rate Cancellation Notice
Districts across the state are wondering how they should track, document, and report on student days of attendance during the COVID19-related school closures. Read related DEED guidance here.
Attendance Guidance
Early Childhood
Information for pre-elementary grantees, Head Start programs, and pre-elementary families can be found here.
FAQ Pre-Elementary Families
FAQ Pre-Elementary Grantees
FAQ Headstart
Educator Excellence
Follow this link to find information regarding emergency teacher certification, student teaching, and to see how traditional requirements are being modified in response to the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 crisis.
Memo: Temporary Certificates
Memo: Student Teachers
Teacher Emergency Certification
District Waiver Application
Educator Waiver Application
Federal Programs
Find ESEA FAQs, updated DEED guidance, and information regarding waivers for Title Programs.
ESEA Funding Waiver
FAQ MigrantEd COVID-19
COVID-19 MigrantEd Fact Sheet
COVID-19 English Learners Fact Sheet
Special Education
School leaders and special education coordinators around the country are seeking guidance on how to meet the needs of students with IEPs and 504 plans. Find the latest state and federal guidance on Special Education in this section.
FAQ for Schools
FAQ for Families
COVID-19 Guidance
FAQ for Pre-Elementary Families