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Science Curriculum Topic Study Makers Workshop

3:45-5:15pm AKST Thursdays, Feb. 11, 18, 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18.

Join authors Page Keeley and Joyce Tugel for 6 interactive sessions creating applied science lessons aligned to the Science Standards for Alaska. They will address the needs of teachers at every level in their teaching careers, as well as those who support teachers. They will share the processes, organizers, and models that can be used to guide instruction. Collaborate with educators across Alaska and create a shared resource bank of lessons designed to engage students in applying content, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts within concepts.

Register by January 20, 2021 to receive a free print copy of Science Curriculum Topic Study.

Optional UAA credit available. Contact Amy Jo Meiners at for course registration information.

Register  - Feb 11 - Mar 18 2021