Current Sessions and Opportunities

Archived Sessions:
Alaska's Reading Playbook Introductory Sessions
Sessions held February 16 & 23, and March 3, 2022
Archived Session Resources:
Session Recordings
March 22, Session 1: Video | Slide Deck
March 24, Session 2: Video | Slide Deck
March 29, Session 3: Video | Slide Deck
March 31, Session 4: Video | Slide Deck
April 5, Session 5: Video | Slide Deck
April 7, Session 6: Video | Slide Deck
Assessment &
Data Literacy
Professional Learning Series
Series begins on Tuesday, November 30, 2021! All sessions run from 4:00-5:30 pm AKST. Educators are invited to participate in as many sessions in the series as they wish, but registration for EACH selected event is required.
Please visit the Professional Learning Catalog for session descriptions, dates, and registration links.
Beyond the Bell Book Study: Culturally Proficient Coaching
Supporting Educators to Create Equitable Schools
Culturally Proficient Coaching is a guide to engaging in constructive conversations around critical issues in education. This book study provides a road map for educators to examine their personal values, beliefs, and assumptions about the communities they serve with the
goal of promoting equitable interactions.
AKRISE - A Network of Alaska's Rural Teachers
Join a network to collaborate with rural teachers. Two multi-day convenings held per year.
Monthly Meetups Every 2nd Tuesday from 3:45 - 5:15pm
Monthly MeetUps for Rural Educators
Join rural teachers, hear from resident experts, connect, collaborate and share ideas.
Monthly, Every 2nd Tuesday from 3:45 - 5:15pm
Google Educators Group
of Alaska
Via face to face meet-ups and online activities, GEGs provide a way for educators who are passionate about education and technology to meet like minded people and share, learn, and collaborate together.
Archived Sessions
Early Literacy Instruction I
Response to Intervention:
Meeting the Needs of all Learners
Originally published November 2021
Early Literacy Instruction II
Response to Intervention:
Meeting the Needs of all Learners
Originally published December 2021
Early Literacy Instruction III
Response to Intervention:
Meeting the Needs of all Learners
Originally published January 2022
Archive / Past Recordings
- Supporting Early Literacy Instruction
- Alaska's Path to Progress
- Unpacking Priorities
- Alaska Learning Makerspace