Beyond the Bell logo and title
What is Beyond the Bell? Beyond the Bell is a collection of after school opportunities that supports the professional learning of educators throughout the school year. All sessions will begin at 3:30pm or later, offering a variety of opportunities for educators to engage in communities of practice around high demand topics.

Free Canvas bite-sized
weekly tips and tricks.

Tuesdays 3:45-4:30 pm.


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Beyond the Bell Book Study: Culturally Proficient Coaching:

Supporting Educators to Create Equitable Schools

Culturally Proficient Coaching is a guide to engaging in constructive conversations around critical issues in education. This book study provides a road map for educators to examine their personal values, beliefs, and assumptions about the communities they serve with the
goal of promoting equitable interactions.

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Alaska's Path to Progress

What will we sustain and sunset in the next school year?
A workshop for school & district leaders.

The pandemic has disrupted education, and leaders need time to think and reflect on this year’s schooling experience. Join this fast paced 75 minute workshop and walk away more prepared in deciding what practices your school/district will sustain and sunset moving forward.

Session Recording
Reflective Guide
Unpacking Priorities: A Community Conversation
Join the conversation about how federal stimulus funding impacts education and how you can support your schools to get the most out of these funds.


Audience: All Alaskans
March 31, 2021 from 3:45-5:15pm AKST.
Register Here
Alaska Learning Makerspace Community Forums
Curious about ways to co-construct engaging, equitable learning spaces?

Join the forum on March 17 & March 24, 4:00-5:00 pm.
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Supporting Early Literacy Instruction
How do you teach a PK-3 student to read remotely?
Learn from the experts at REL Northwest.

Feb. 17,  Mar. 3, 17,  31,  Apr. 7, 14

10-11:30 am AKST

UAA Course Credit available
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AKRISE - A Network of Alaska's Rural Teachers

Join a network to collaborate with rural teachers. Two multi-day convenings held per year.

Monthly Meetups Every 2nd Tuesday from 3:45 - 5:15pm

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Monthly MeetUps for Rural Educators

Join rural teachers,  hear from resident experts,  connect, collaborate and share ideas.

Monthly, Every 2nd Tuesday from 3:45 - 5:15pm

Learn More / Register
Alaska Education Network - Echo Sessions

A statewide initiative focused on uniting Alaska’s educational leaders with the intention of building a support network to reduce isolation while strengthening the link between leadership and student achievement. Info Flyer.

Join Today
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Google Educators Group of Alaska

Via face to face meet-ups and online activities, GEGs provide a way for educators who are passionate about education and technology to meet like minded people and share, learn, and collaborate together.

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