AKRISE - A Network for Alaska’s Rural Teachers

What is AKRISE?
AKRISE is a network for rural teachers based upon the principles of Collaborative Professionalism. The mission of the network is to promote engagement through collaboration and innovation for teachers and students in rural areas of Alaska to increase equity, learning, belonging and well-being. To learn more, see this flyer or visit the AKRISE website.
What do we do in a teacher network?
- Engage in joint work and collaborative learning about authentic questions that matter to teachers and students
- Benefit from sustained collaboration, commitment and connection between face-to-face or virtual gatherings
- Build collective capacity through sharing expertise and cross-pollination of ideas and effective practices
- Collaborate using strategies such as action research, lesson study, co-curriculum projects and video reflection
- Strengthen our practice through professional learning that is teacher-led
Monthly MeetUps for Rural Educators
Whether or not you are a member of AKRISE, join rural teachers each month to connect and share ideas in job-alike groups or in specific interest areas. Rural teachers don’t always have colleagues with whom they can problem solve and brainstorm. Finding ways to connect and grow as professionals is especially important now, as we face challenges never before encountered. Meetings will be in an Edcamp style, where the agenda will be created in real-time based on the input of participants.
Monthly from 3:45 - 5:15pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month