The ACPE early college awareness programs and resources help Pre-K through eighth grade students explore their interests and open their minds to a multitude of college and career options.
Alaska Education Network Project Echo: Moving Knowledge Not People
We’re a statewide initiative focused on uniting Alaska’s
educational leaders with the intention of building a support
network to reduce isolation while strengthening the link
between leadership and student achievement.
Best Practices for Creating Take-Home Packets to Support Distance Learning
Educators across the globe are carefully considering how best to serve their students during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Stakeholders in the Pacific
region are considering developing take-home packets to support students’ at-home learning. Take-home packets can be used as a primary mode of instruction during at-home learning and as a supplemental resource when school is back in session.
Daily Plans for Students
Free learning activities. Hand-selected and open to all.
Resources for Teachers
Free learning activities. Hand-selected and open to all.
DEED’s COVID-19 Page
COVID-19 Resources published by the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development
Common Sense Education “How to Host a Virtual Back-to-School Night”
Get ideas and tips to make this virtual kickoff event a success for you and your students’ families.
Connect with your colleagues on AkPLN!
Rural Teacher Monthly MeetUp
An EdCamp style, virtual meeting via Zoom specifically designed for Alaska’s rural educators