Starting on page 45 of this guidance document, the CDC offers recommendations to keep
communities safe when returning to brick-and-mortar schooling.
Instructional Continuity Plan for Emergency School Closures
The School Board of Sumter County, Florida, shares their Instructional Continuity Plan (ICP) which has three components: Content Delivery, Mobile Devices,
and Internet Access.
Hillsborough Schools Coronavirus Response Plan
Hillsborough County Public Schools developed an eLearning Contingency Plan to ensure students have access to high quality learning opportunities at home in the event it would be necessary to close one a school, or several of schools, due to weather, sickness, hurricane or other emergency.
Forging a Path Forward: How to Design a Responsive Return Plan
In our guide, How to Design a Responsive Return Plan, we highlight the opportunity to design for equity, outline the leadership “rules,” habits, and competencies that drive success, and offer a four-step process to examine multiple return scenarios given considerable uncertainty.
Considerations for Reopening Schools
The Educational Service Center of Central Ohio developed a checklist with key questions that school leaders need to consider in preparing for the 2020-2021 school year.
State unveils ‘playbook’ for school return; educators begin learning how to secure virus funds
Arkansas Education Secretary Johnny Key on Thursday unveiled a “Back to School Playbook” compiled by some 130 educators.
“CDC Guidance for Reopening Schools “
The CDC has issued guidance to assist school leaders in making reopening decisions.
Back to School Playbook: a Reentry and Reengagement Plan
In an effort to support educators in reopening schools during this unprecedented time, a task force was formed to create resources to support the reengagement of ALL students in the fall of 2020.
BC’s relaunch plan estimates students will return to classes in the fall
Schools in British Columbia begin to set out a 5 stage approach to reopening schools.
Building the Future Now: Deciding What to Cut, What to Keep and What to Create
Throughout the world, educators face a critical challenge: how to design aspirational and future forward (post-pandemic) learning experiences rather than a temporary fix (triage). Heidi Hayes Jacobs and Allison Zmuda pen a four-part series on triage, transition, and post-pandemic schools.