ACT is Providing Free Digital Learning Resources for Students and the Workforce Impacted by COVID-19
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Teaching and Learning Guidance Overview
Given the current circumstances, it is likely that local education agencies will find themselves moving between three scenarios for students. CCSSO recognizes that work in these areas cannot be led in isolation because these are interrelated parts of a coherent and holistic system designed to meet students’ academic and mental health needs. Moreover, the needs and input of students, families, teachers and staff must be incorporated into design and decision-making.
An Initial guide to Leveraging the Power of Social and Emotional learning as You Prepare to Reopen and Renew Your School Community
“In this guide, CASEL shares a framework with actionable recommendations to help school leadership
teams plan for the SEL needs of all students and adults during the upcoming transition into summer and
the beginning of the new school year. Link to PDF for downloading by scrolling down home page to Latest Resources.”
Addressing Building Safety, Cleaning & Monitoring
This document provides information gathered from a variety of sources on the topics of: school reopening, considerations for teachers and staff, building cleaning, screening as well as social distancing and other safety protocols.
Virtual Summer School State Guidance for District and School Leaders
The purpose of the Virtual Summer School Guidance for District and School Leaders is to provide States with guidance that their local education agencies can use as they plan summer school opportunities.
CDC Considerations for Youth Sports
The CDC offers guidance in order to help lower the risk of COVID-19 exposure and reduce the spread during competition and practice.
Pandemic Planning for Distance Learning: Scenarios and Considerations for PreK– 12 Education Leaders
As educators with expertise in designing, planning for, and implementing learning experiences using online tools and digital materials, we have created this resource to clarify the various types of distance learning that will likely take place this fall, as well as propose four possible scenarios for PreK–12 during and in the wake of this pandemic.
What Will Schools Do in the Fall? Here Are 4 Possible Scenarios
In a new guide released today by the Washington, D.C.-based think tank New America, the three authors—an instructional designer and two former teachers—lay out four possible scenarios for what school will look like in the 2020-21 school year, based on present understanding of the COVID-19 virus and health experts’ advice for school re-openings.
A Recovery Curriculum: Loss and Life for our children and schools post pandemic
“Now is the time to return to more humane approaches concerned with the fundamental wellbeing, and secure positive development of the child. Without this there will be no results that have true meaning and deep personal value to the child in terms of their preparation for adulthood.”