These ten equity strategies from Virginia’s Recover, Redesign, Restart plan may inform districts in planning for continuity of learning.
Classroom Distancing Strategy: Triangular Template for Teachers
Architects share seating option templates for teachers addressing COVID physical distancing needs.
Wishbone Flex Option Attendance Plan for Social Distancing
Greenville County Schools shares their flexible options attendance plan for social distancing.
Long Distance Leadership
Principals from across the country share their strategies for effectively supporting teachers as they adjust to distance learning.
Online Learning Using the 5 Es
A collection of videos and samples on the 5Es instructional model by Catlin Tucker.
HyperDoc Templates
The HyperDoc templates below contain different methodologies; however, the main methodology stems from the 5E model.
School Meal Programs by Risk
Implement standard operating procedures while taking preventative measures
ACT Digital Learning Landing Page
We’re committed to serving community needs during this challenging time. The resources below are adaptable for use in home, through online learning and in workforce settings