CDC recommends in its updated safety practices for schools and the school environment measures applicable to school buses.
8 Tips for Cleaning School Buses in the Age of Coronavirus
School Fleet Management shares steps schools and bus companies need to take to help ensure the buses their students ride in are as hygienically clean as possible.
CDC: Considerations for Bus Drivers
CDC offers bus drivers guidance regarding COVID-19.
CDC: Considerations for Schools
CDC offers schools recommendations for maintaining healthy environments. If transport vehicles (e.g., buses) are used by the school, drivers should practice all safety actions and protocols as indicated for other staff (e.g., hand hygiene, cloth face coverings). To clean and disinfect school buses or other transport vehicles, see guidance for bus drivers.
Bus Operators and Transit Authorities – COVID 19 Guidance
Bus Operators and Transit Authorities – COVID 19 Guidance. This guidance is more for transit authorities but may have some guidelines you want to review for school bus safety.
National Association for Pupil Transportation Guidelines
National Association for Pupil Transportation (NAPT) includes suggestions for local statements, general guidance, webinars and resources.
Capacities for Learning – Elements for Framework
What CAPACITIES for school operation and staffing will our schools need to maintain?
Continuity of Learning – Elements for Framework
Amid continuing risk from COVID-19, how will Alaskan schools ensure CONTINUITY of instruction for all students?
Conditions for Learning – Elements for Framework
What CONDITIONS for healthy and supportive schools are Alaskan districts including in their Smart Start 2020 plan?
Alaska’s Smart Start Framework Quick-Ref
A quick reference of the graphical framework for Alaska’s Smart Start 2020.