The purpose of this document is to compile resources and information for state leaders on the education of students with disabilities during the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) global pandemic.
Restart and Recovery: Supporting SEL and Mental Health During COVID-19
As states and local communities across the country grapple with the unprecedented changes brought on by coronavirus (COVID-19), it is critical to ensure that state education agencies (SEAs), district and school leaders, educators, and families make a concerted effort to support the social-emotional and mental health needs of students. CCSSO compiled the following resources and state examples to inform SEAs’ ongoing efforts in this area.
Restart and Recovery Plan: Serving English Language Learners During COVID-19
This resource draws on a resource created by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) that is based on guidance compiled from state education agencies and national and local organizations.
Reunite, Renew and Thrive: SEL Roadmap for Reopening School
The SEL Roadmap is designed to support school leaders and leadership teams in planning for the transition back to schools, in whatever form that takes.
CARES Act Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
These questions and answers are in response to the CARES Act’s Education Stabilization Fund Programs: 1.) the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSERF), and 2.) the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEERF).
FAQs for Governor Dunleavy’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER)
The purpose of this document is to answer Frequently Asked Questions about the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER Fund)
CDC Issues Tools To Guide Reopening Of Schools, Businesses, Transit
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a set of documents designed to provide guidance on how child care centers, schools, restaurants and bars, and other establishments could begin the process of reopening in the face of the coronavirus.
Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility
Provide guidance for cleaning and disinfecting all core assets.
A Return to School Roadmap: Facilities
In consideration of Welcome Back planning, here is a summary of the general guidance outlined for facilities, compiled from both the district leaders and school leaders levels.
CCSSO Details Additional Forthcoming Restart & Recovery Resources
As state chiefs across the country work to conduct summer learning programming and planning for the fall, we hear a common refrain: While school may look different, our focus remains the same: Every student receives a high-quality education.