Vanessa Hill is your friendly neighborhood science educator and psychology specialist. She makes videos about your brain, body and behavior to help you better understand yourself and the world.
Access grade level curriculum and learn to code with support. Students’ critical and creative thinking skills improve as they solve lessons on their own or in collaboration with others.
CDC: Solve The Outbreak
Play Solve the Outbreak on the CDC website. In this interactive app try becoming a Disease Detective. Travel the world chasing outbreaks like ones real-life CDC Disease Detectives help fight.
It’s Okay To Be Smart
Solve mysteries like How an Igloo Keeps You Warm and Why Salt & Pepper Ended Up On Every Table.This channel has videos sorted into different science topics, most 5-10 minutes.
Physics Girl
Physics Girl is a YouTube channel created by Dianna Cowern that adventures into the physical sciences with experiments, demonstrations, and cool new discoveries. Most videos are between 5-10 minutes long and begin with a question or riddle. These would be great to enhance science lessons or share to stimulate curiosity.
National Geographic Kids Science Lab
Explore science experiments, videos, articles, and more with the Science Lab at Kids National Geographic. As an Alaskan teacher, I found the science/engineering labs to be highly engaging with well-sequenced learning steps. My students loved these hands-on lessons and they often adapted materials to whatever they had on hand.
National Geographic Kids
Interested in weird and wacky animals? Curious about the United States or Native American cultures? NatGeoKids is loaded with resources for social studies and sciences. Check out their games, videos, and articles. If you need no-tech resources, they have a kids’ magazine available.
AP US History and AP Gov
Jocz Productions, created and supported by Daniel Jocz, 2016 CA Teacher of the Year. Find all of the APUSH review resources in addition to APGOV materials. This website is used by many students from across the US to successfully pass the APUSH and APGOV tests. I love how creatively Mr. Jocz presents each unit embedding music and graphics to aid memory and learning.
Big History Project
Common Sense Education describes ‘Big History Project’ as a “Fascinating look at life’s bigger questions with a fresh perspective” and it offers a collection of free, open, and online lessons that are ready to use. There are year-long and semester-long courses available, in addition to professional learning or individual lessons to explore. The Big History Project was started by Bill Gates and David Christian to enable the global teaching of the subject of Big History, which is described as “the attempt to understand, in a unified way, the history of Cosmos, Earth, Life and Humanity.”
ACTE & Distance Learning Resources
ACTE recognizes the dramatic impact that dealing with COVID-19 is having on your instructional efforts. To this end we are pleased to announce through our online portal, CTE Learn, along with our partner at MaxKnowledge, that we are now offering a selection of free online courses to prepare CTE teachers to teach online. You can find additional free resources on CTE Learn, including Workplace Skills Tutorials and the Career Ed Lounge for communicating with your peers.