NRICH welcomes millions of users every year to share our free, online mathematical activities for learners aged 3-19. We have a huge bank of award-winning resources, ideal for children and students to work on independently while schools are closed, and for teachers to use when teaching remotely. We have created some collections of our best resources for independent learning to share with you.Status: Always free
Reading for Students at Risk for Reading Difficulties, Including Dyslexia
Lesson Plans for practicing different parts of reading – grades K-5.
Five Anxiety-Lowering Strategies for Children
An article for parents on how to help students calm their anxieties.
Matching Emotions
A game to develop social skills around understanding facial expressions and body language.
Free Autism Work Tasks
This website has many adapted printable activities.
Learning Keeps Going
We can’t afford to let learning lapse. The COVID-19 Education Coalition is a diverse group of education organizations brought together by the ISTE/EdSurge team to curate, create and deliver high-quality tools, resources and support for educators and parents as they keep the learning going during extended school closures.
Educating All Learners Alliance
To help ensure the continuity of special education services during remote instruction and to spotlight best practice approaches for schools and educators, an alliance of national education organizations has come together to ensure equity for all learners.
Amplify Resources
(Grades K-5) – Science, Reading, Writing, Social Studies – Video Lessons, reading guides, guided skills practice
Amplify Reading
Amplify Reading is a digital literacy program (free for now) that boosts reading growth through personalized instruction and practice in phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and close reading.
Read Aloud Lessons
Students go on a journey through American history to learn about Colonial America and how the United States became a nation, watching videos, listening to read-alouds, and discovering new words.